
Another OOPS Day.

  For weeks I have known Ellie's leaf collection was due yet I could not remember to grab my printer. (It was on loan to someone) So here it is the last day. We had a visitation to go to. Meds to go fetch for Ells only to get home to find her leaves in a horrible mess, labels missing, everything in a jumble. At some point I might explain about Ellie, she does not really process information like we do. It did not occur to her when the leaves fell out of the "pressing" book that they needed to be laid flat again and the labels put back with them separately....- Then we discovered her list and instructions were not here. Her Dad had just lost a close friend so I hated to bother him, I did finally call him but he was not back home yet. A friend finally told me to just Facebook it. Within 5 minutes I had the list.
The End
Maybe tomorrow I can craft or sew again. Fred lost her clothes again so I need to make something else sparkly..
Good night..
May God Bless..

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