
Digitizing Fun

I digitized this pattern for a gal. She loved it and it was fun to create.  If I spent a fraction of the time embroidering as I do digitizing my room would be overflowing with products. <3. 


Smartphone smartphone. Oh Life Without a Smartphone

It has been quite some time since I posted here. Trying to blog pictures with no camera or smartphone is not an easy task. After months of being deprived of my technical implements, I broke down and got another phone. AT&T has bought out or merged with my phone company. I was waiting for the takeover to get another phone so I could save the cost of an early upgrade. My desire to have a phone won out over my resolve to not give Alltel any more money than required. It is also hard to sell items online when you can't post pics. 


We are Back

After killing my phone and deciding I no longer wanted to pay that smartphone bill every month we are back.
How difficult can it be to use a camera?

Ha, let me count the ways.

Let us just say I have borrowed a smart phone I can use over wifi so I can blog and post pictures..
Having the flu was pretty wicked too.
Then getting Ellie ready for surgery - actually having the surgery - then an emergency surgery - now recovering at home.
It is time to get back to work.
God is so good!


Embroidering on Air. (Or so it seemed)

I got my old embroidery machine out and have been bitten by the thread bug.
As if I don't have enough going on. I found these scarves very reasonable and decided to try it. A few people said it was not possible, that just made me determined. If I had used WSS instead of printer paper on the front it would look much better. There was none in my stash and over an hour one way was to far to drive for a "betcha I can".

I did the beanie for my son in law yesterday.when the yellow finished instead of hitting the GO button.  
Silly me, I hit the power button. So of course it was offset down by an eighth of an in. I filled it in with free motion on a regular ....sewing machine. It turned out fine though.



We have really been busy. The blog was just not top priority. Maybe it will be again very soon. We have expanded beyond leotards and dresses. Welcome our newest babies. Baby Legs.  We have other crafts to blog, I have just fallen behind. WAY behind..


Elf Hats Galore

   Finally got the little Elfies finished. Hope they go over well. They are for a Christmas Program at a local church. The boys (7) will have hats and the girls (7) will be in matching tutus.  My friend is doing the tutus. I didn't have a pattern so just winged it. Like I do everything. It is more exciting that way.

Ellie is modeling for us. You can read about our girl here >ELLIE<


Dance or Skating Anyone? Maybe Just for Fun!

   This little dance set puts snow and ice into my mind.. Not sure why. Since it is probably not very warm. This one is a 6 and I am also making an 8. We will take them to Stephaney's Boutique in the mall one day this week. (Marion, IL)   It feels good to be making again.
  There are 4 elf hats left to be crocheted too. Also an owl bag to be finished ( crochet).  All between everything else. Oops almost forgot, my yard needs to be mowed at least one more time before winter..
   Nope! I am not busy...
God is awesome.
Have a great day.
~ Ginger

Crushed White Velvet over Blue Metallic Checks.